
Prime writing hours, as @SheaSerrano would say. It always feels good to get something new down and scheduled to post.

'Last of Us' is a very promising series after the first two episodes were aired on HBO. Something new I learned today was that it was filmed primarily in Alberta. Filming Locations has compiled all the locations with before/after photos.

Very cool.

An incredible day in the Okanagan, full of sunshine. I had to go for a walk and capture the sunset.

A beautiful day in Kelowna. Lots of people walking around downtown which was nice to see.

A lovely evening with a new friend, sharing stories of high school theatre days over chacuterie and drinks (old fashioneds for me, of course.)

A pleasant and calming sight to see the sun breaking through this evening after weeks of clouds.

It always feels good in the moment to be working on a problem and get it resolved, but at some point you will wake up in the morning not feeling quite as hot.

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