


This is the 13th year of writing these annual reflections for my birthday: soberness, aloneness/solitude, and recommendations for books, music, and podcasts.
9 min read

Twitter has been fracturing the last 4-6 months. I still struggle with figuring out where to invest my time. Do I focus on my broad interests (Twitter), the nerdy ones (Mastodon), or do I discover new audiences and interests (Spoutible being the latest one)?

The best things in life we don’t choose — they choose us. A great love, a great calling, a great illumination — they happen unto us, like light falling upon that which is lit. We have given a name to these unbidden greatnesses — genius, from the Latin for “spirit,” denoting the spirit of a universe we can only submit to but cannot govern.

— Maria Popova, The Marginalist

A nice reflection on genius, including quotes from Emerson and Twain.


What to Watch: Poker Face

Charlie ain’t no cop; but she can smell bullshit. A fun new mystery procedural show.
3 min read

A quick review of Tar: a movie about the abuse of power in the workplace surrounded by a love of classical music. Well crafted, beautiful, and captivating.  Cate Blanchett is going to win the Oscar for best actress.


A miserable day

Not enough people talking about the weather today.


I've been really enjoying the first two episodes of The Last of Us on HBO/Crave. I may have to rewatch them after listening to the latest episode of X-Ray Vision doing a recap of the episode. A lot more depth to the show than I thought.

I am sure people are sick of seeing this view constantly, but I enjoy walking past here and catching the sunset. Can only do it a few more months before the tourists start showing up.


Love seeing the skies all lit up this evening. Caught two swans out on the water, as well. Always brings a smile to my face.


2023: Get Back in the Box

Today is Bell Let’s Talk Day, and like last year, I want to use it to help prepare myself for what is to come this year. I do that by coming up with a theme to follow for the year.
6 min read

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