Her: Happy anniversary!
Me: I am going to send you a treat to help celebrate.
Her: No need to get
Love and Letting Go
Letting go of someone is always a challenge after experiencing a breakup.
My Problems With Dating
> We don’t commit now. We don’t see the point. They’ve always said there are so
Dishonest Truths
> We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of
life is when
Saying Hello
It always seems strange to me when you first get to know someone new.
There is no easy way to
Bad Memories
> But what’s a memory worth if it only breaks your heart? If it doesn’t make you
Weathering the Storm - A Story of Moving On
Play the video, then read on:
Since my (ex)-girlfriend left me over a week ago, I have found myself
Why Conservative Women are So Appealing To Me
There is one thing in my life that frequently embarrasses, or would embarrass me
if I ever were to admit