No Shaking, no Lumps, smoother smoothies and a better taste overall. ProMixx Vortex Mixer is a great addition to any fitness enthusiast's kitchen or gym bag.
2 min read
Juice Challenge
> Permanent results only come from permanent changes in diet and lifestyle.
— Joe Cross
A friend suggested I check-out a
2 min read
The 4 Hour Body Review
An extensive review of Tim Ferriss' The 4 Hour Body - a guide to rapid fat loss, increasing muscle, and having better sex.
17 min read
Cotton Candy Cuddled - Inspired by @Fighter_Diet
> A great friend tells you to keep working hard. A great friend does not tell you
to, “Take it
2 min read
The Paleo Revolution - 100th Post @ Four Sides
Almost one year to the day, I started blogging again. I had gone through several
different versions of blogs trying
3 min read
The Paleo Leap, or A Step Back in Time
As I mentioned in a previous post, I have finished reading The Primal Blueprint
[]. It’s
No Shaking, no Lumps, smoother smoothies and a better taste overall. ProMixx Vortex Mixer is a great addition to any fitness enthusiast's kitchen or gym bag.
> Permanent results only come from permanent changes in diet and lifestyle.
— Joe Cross
A friend suggested I check-out a site about a juice challenge, and that led me
down a white rabbit hole. I explored his site, discovered he had a documentary,
watched it, and decided to make a
> A great friend tells you to keep working hard. A great friend does not tell you
to, “Take it easy and don’t be so hard on yourself.” We grow from pushing our
limits, not from being cotton candy cuddled.
Pauline Nordin []
Almost one year to the day, I started blogging again. I had gone through several
different versions of blogs trying to discover myself. There have been so many
that I can’t even remember all the addresses and whether the content is still
alive on the sites or not. The
As I mentioned in a previous post, I have finished reading The Primal Blueprint
[]. It’s an incredibly easy read to get through, as the
writing style is conversational and the layout is straight forward. One could
skim this book by reading the chapter summaries, check