
I believe President Biden will announce he is withdrawing from the 2024 race imminently.

An interesting read from Scott Galloway who writes about the “male ego, family dynamics, and scenario planning” involved with the decision.

Time to Leave | No Mercy / No Malice
Not If, When I believe President Biden will announce he is withdrawing from the 2024 race imminently. Just as anybody who’s seen a commercial or a logo believes they’re an expert in advertising and design, I’ve convinced myself I have insights into the inner workings of the Beltway. I don’t. However, I do understand the […]

Today was spent updating Ghost, the blogging platform I use. Everything is done through the Linux terminal. I spent hours researching and troubleshooting why the blog engine wasn't starting. I almost gave up.

Turns out, it did start. I only needed to check with a web browser.

All we can hope for is that someone in a position of power — hopefully Joe Biden himself — is responsibly deliberating that matter right now. And that if he ultimately decides to stay in the race, he can demonstrate his health, vigor, and readiness.

No matter which it is, however, we should be under no illusions: if Biden steps down, either due to necessity or perceived expediency — it will be a Very Bad Thing. It will be an even bigger gift to Donald Trump that the current discourse. It may very well ensure that he wins the election

My thoughts have started leaning towards this line of thinking by Craig, writing at Cup of Coffee.

No easy decision to be made, and a similar choice will be made by Trudeau before the next election.

I wish I had the words to express how I'm feeling right now. Gutted comes to mind, but it doesn't feel sufficient.

Her: Happy anniversary!

Me: I am going to send you a treat to help celebrate.

Her: No need to get me anything. Save money.

Me: No, I'm treating you to something. You don't need to spend anything on me and that way we save.

That's math.


A fun day at the farmers market with my mom and daughter today in Kelowna. Made me think about walking through the market with my girlfriend earlier in the year, her first experience of the one here. Also reminded me of what it was like to go there when my daughter was much younger.

If you spot these sauces from Kizuna, they are incredible. I've been cooking with the BBQ sauce the past week. Available online too.

Kizuna sauces Inc.
Welcome to our online store, where Kizuna Sauces bring you confidence and flavor for your home. Discover our delicious sauces today!

A fantastic start to the new season of The Bear. I am only 4 episodes into it, but so far it is captivating and takes me right back into the chaotic world of the kitchen at The Bear restaurant.

I am anxious to see where this season goes.

Conan Doesn’t Matter

Wonderful write-up at NY Times about Conan O'Brien and his latest projects.

O’Brien’s return might have been that it was overshadowed by “Hot Ones.” For 30 minutes, O’Brien made every previous episode of that show look bland, hijacking the interview, adopting a swaggering idiot persona, hilariously taunting the host and swigging entire bottles of hot sauce while becoming increasingly unhinged. There was a clownishness and commitment that is hard to imagine any other late-night host pulling off.

The 15-Minute City
In The 15-Minute City: A Solution for Saving Our Time and Our Planet, human city pioneer and international scientific advisor Carlos Moreno delivers an exciting and insightful discussion of the deceptively simple and revolutionary idea that everyday destinations like schools, stores, and offices should only be a short walk or bike ride away from home.

A new book that is coming out soon. After doing a little more reading, over 100 cities around the world have started to adopt his ideas after the pandemic. Reminds me of the 100-Mile Diet.

Added to my reading list.

The 15-Minute City on Amazon

via Kottke

I enjoy the rush of energy that is felt when connecting with someone new on a deeper level. The anticipation of being able to talk with them again is both a test of my patience and makes the wait so worthwhile. So very worthwhile.

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