1 min read

Unfinished Thoughts

Limiting Progress

Why is there such a constant movement in our society today to stop progress? If our society today cannot deal with the differences between races, gender, sexuality, religion, and so on, how are we to deal with future societies when there are robots, cyborgs, intelligent life other than humans, longer living humans, people who have adopted really advanced technology, or people discovering and founding a major religion? The politicians and writers are attacking the wrong areas of life.

Too Idealistic

Apparently, I’m a hippy. Not in the 1960s’ sense, with flowing bell-bottom pants and tie-dyed colours covering me from head to toe, but in the sense that I’m wanting to live in a better world. I’ve always thought that the way to live life was to live for improvement of the human species, but the rest of the world doesn’t seem to be living that way at all. It’s no wonder I’m constantly being confused with where my life is going. Where I want it to go is not welcome in this world at all.

This surprises me for several reasons. For one, the world is full of examples of progress towards a better human or society. Popular religions, technology, education, hospitals, social welfare programs, etc. I would hate to believe that all of these various institutions are moving not in the direction of progress but have ulterior motives within them. It depresses me to think that this world is focused on power and money, and institutions that should be helping are deceiving the people that use them. With all the corruption that’s happening around us, why should I shut up and accept it? Is the purpose of my life to go out and get the most money I can to ensure that my children and their grandchildren can live comfortably, or should I be working towards a better world for them to be living in?

The one thing I don’t get is how come all the various militias of the developing world are killing the poor citizens? I would think they would want to work together with those citizens, win them over to the cause to take down the corrupt governments that are ruling them. It seems kind of backwards to kill off the people that may want to support these groups and help them defeat their collective enemies.

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