1 min read


The days are blurring together for me lately. It’s hard to tell when one day ends, a new one begins.

The days are blurring together for me lately. It’s hard to tell when one day ends, a new one begins. Things that I happened last week only happened the other day. A lot of events seem to be cyclical, as well. I feel like a task is complete, only to have something happen and I have to start that process all over.

As busy as the days tend to be, I am doing a much better job of carving out time for myself. Time in the mornings to workout or have a period of time to read, and then a block of time in the afternoon/early evening to go for a walk.

The afternoon walks are incredibly important for me, I find. More often than not, I walk without anything playing on my phone. Left alone with my thoughts, I find moments to reflect on what is happening and how I feel.

Despite the days feeling like one, I feel tired, but not exhausted. As frustrating as the work days can be, I feel like the progress I am making is far greater than even three months ago. Same goes with the workouts.

Being in control of your situation is far more rewarding than waiting on others or waiting for something to improve magically. I go to bed feeling better about what was accomplished, but also looking forward to starting my day tomorrow.

It is a feeling I have not experienced before in my life and one I want to continue to build upon.

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